Constructing Earthquake Resistant Masonry Houses Bandaged with Ferrocement Layers by Yayasan Sheep Indonesia
Desa Bangga, Kecamatan Dolo Selatan, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah
Since November 6, 2020, Yayasan Sheep Indonesia (YSI) has constructed 151 masonry houses bandaged with ferrocement layers in Bangga village, Sub-District Dolo Selatan, District Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah. Ms. Mona Sorainsong served as the Program Manager and Mr. Alfian Philno Soriton was the Field Technical Coordinator.
Trainings of workers was conducted as on-the-job-training. One of the training sessions was took place on January 28, 2021, in Bangga Village, Dusun 3, and was attended by 31 local workers and YSI staff.
Through the conducted training sessions, it is hoped that the workers's skills and knowledge are increased in order to construct the earthquake-resistant masonry houses. The construction method of earthquake-resistant masonry houses bandaged with ferrocement layers introduced by Dr. Teddy Boen has been proven to be easy, simple, cost-efficient, and fast. The construction of masonry houses bandaged with ferrocement layers is carried out progressively. The handover of the houses to the owners was done as soon as the construction completed.
The construction of masonry houses bandaged with ferrocement layers started with the installation of batter board and constructing the reinforced inverted-T foundation, instead of the stone foundation, which is suggested by Dr. Teddy Boen.
On-the-job-training of constructing masonry houses bandaged with ferrocement layers.
The masonry houses are reinforced with ferrocement layers; no practical columns nor practical beams as the common practice before. The roof-trusses are still using the wood-truss since it is easy to get local wood.
The Handover of 126 Masonry Houses Bandaged with Ferrocement Layers
The handover of 126 earthquake-resistant houses bandaged with ferrocement layers took place on February 27, 2021. The ceremony was attended by the District Secretary of Sigi, the Head of Sub-District Dolo Selatan, the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service, the Head of Services of Sigi District, YSI field staff, and member of the Bangga village community. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the ceremony was divided into 2 stages, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with each stage attended by 63 beneficiary homeowners.
The Handover of 65 Masonry Houses Bandaged with Ferrocement Layers
The ceremony took place on March 30, 2021, and was attended by the member of Bangga village community, Director of YSI (Mr. Andreas Subiono) and his team, the Head of Sub-District Dolo Selatan, the Head of Bangga village, and also the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Sigi District, who represented the Head of Sigi District.
The Handover of 25 Masonry Houses Bandaged with Ferrocement Layers
The ceremony took place on September 29, 2021, and was attended by the Sub-District Dolo Selatan representative, the head of village representative, beneficiary homeowners, YSI team, and the World Renew representative (Ms. Mona Saroinsong) as donor.